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Exact Match Domains Secret Power and Worth

Unveiling the Secret Power and Worth of Exact Match Domains (EMD)

Exact Match Domain Names remain relevant despite the emergence of numerous extensions. The dot-com extension continues to hold significant authority, as evidenced by the high-profile sale of Cars.com for $872 million in 2022. It's unlikely that Cars.us or Cars.online would have fetched a similar price. The buyer, Gannet Co., Inc., has benefited greatly from this acquisition, with domain frequently appearing at the top of search results related to Cars keywords. It's important to note that such sales often involve more than just the domain, incorporating other business transactions. The Exact-Match Domain industry is thriving due to factors like internet growth, the original dot-com extension, age, demand, search volume, branding, and the unique SEO value it offers, which is hard to match with most other marketing and branding investments.

Exact match domains can significantly enhance search engine rankings, despite the latest EMD update. However, since most of these domains have been registered for years, they are often scarce and costly to buy. This rarity and high price have prompted businesses to lease exact-match domains when purchasing isn't possible due to unwilling sellers. Leasing provides a range of industry-specific, generic, or exact-match domains, aiding your website's visibility on the first few pages of major search engines.

What Is an Exact-Match Domain?

  1. An Exact-Match Domain (EMD) is a domain name that incorporates the exact keyword or keyword combination a website aims to rank for in search engine results.
  2. Great brand recognition and memorability from advertising, marketing, and your web site landing pages.
  3. EMDs typically feature the target keyword(s) in the domain name, making it identical or nearly identical to a search phrase entered into a search engine. For example, if a website wants to rank for the keyword "tyre brand", an EMD might be "tyrebrand.com".
  4. Marketability.
  5. Respectability.
  6. Exact-Match Domain (EMD) is easy to remember, concise, self-promoting and extremely effective.

Does Google Favor Domains That Exactly Match the Query?

To address the question, yes, Google does consider exact-match domains, yet success hinges on a strategic marketing approach that offers significant value to users. In 2012, Google introduced an update to adjust exact-match domains in search results, leading to rankings reduction for many. This move aimed to curb spam. However, recognizing the impact on legitimate, valuable exact-match domains, Google revised the algorithm by the end of 2012. Despite future search engine updates, a strong marketing and SEO strategy, always prioritizing user value, will optimize the potential of all exact-match domains.

Advantages of Having an Exact-Match .com Domain

Securing a precise domain match, particularly a .com with a popular keyword, can be costly today. It's appealing to consider other extensions due to the wide array of options. However, if you come across a suitable exact-match domain within your budget and brand, the advantages are significant.

From a branding perspective, exact-match domains provide immediate trust and set your offerings apart. As Warren Buffett, a renowned investor, stated in 1999: "The essence of investing is not predicting market trends or growth, but identifying a company's competitive edge and its sustainability."

Owning a top-tier exact-match .com domain in your sector establishes a sustainable and competitive edge that can never be taken away from your brand. When combined with an effective marketing strategy in a booming field, you may frequently attract investment or acquisition opportunities for your company. Proceed with caution and patience, and you can leverage these domain names to your advantage in the long run.

What is an example of an exact match domain?

For instance, if you need an premium flying service, and search "premium flying" (About 403,000,000 results on Google.), you'll notice domains like among the top results.

  1. PremiumFlying.com is a distinctive and memorable domain name, suitable for businesses or individuals aiming to establish a straightforward flying platform. Its simple and catchy name instantly conveys ease and efficiency to your audience. This domain is ideal for startups, e-commerce entities, or service providers, offering a platform to highlight your dedication to uncomplicated flight experiences.
  2. Boosts brand recognition and recall through advertising, marketing, and website promotion.
  3. High market potential.
  4. Inspires respect and trust.
  5. Premium Flying is easily memorable, succinct, self-promoting, and highly effective.
  6. Anticipated high traffic.
  7. Huge potential for Premium Economy, Elite Economy Class, or Economy Plus Business models.

  1. Aerolíneas Argentinas
  2. Aeroméxico
  3. Air Senegal
  4. Air Caraïbes
  5. AirAsia
  6. AirAsia X
  7. AirTanker Services
  8. Alaska Airlines
  9. Allegiant Air
  10. Avianca
  11. Biman Bangladesh Airlines
  12. Edelweiss Air
  13. El Al
  14. EVA Air
  15. Frontier Airlines
  16. Hawaiian Airlines
  17. Icelandair
  18. Mahan Air
  19. Pakistan International Airlines
  20. Philippine Airlines
  21. Scoot
  22. SpiceJet
  23. Sunwing Airlines
  24. Ukraine International Airlines
  25. Vietnam Airlines
  26. Vistara

Or another exact match domain example: If you need an electronic skin patches service and search for"electronic patch" on Google search engine, you will see 1,240,000,000 results.

The domain name "ElectronicSkinPatches.com", "ElectronicPatch.com" or "ElectronicPatches.com" implies a platform or online space dedicated to electronic skin patches. It signifies a website that provides information, resources, or products related to this innovative technology. The association is with wearable devices that can be attached to the skin and offer various health benefits or advanced functionalities.

This example the value of having exact match domains, as they can boost your website's ranking and increase visibility in search results.

This is what characterizes a premium exact match domain.

Domain Names for Acquisition

AdLink.me | BE701.com | BrandsMore.com | BusinessContacting.com | BYDName.com | ElectronicPatch.com | ElectronicPatches.com | FingerPay.me | HotelsScan.com | HotelsScanner.com | Laquedives.com | LoansScan.com | LoansScanner.com | Preferred-Hotels.com | PremiumFlying.com | ProductsScanner.com | SimplePay.me | SimplePay.us | SummerWarranty.com | SSWBC.com | TRES4.com | TyreBrand.com | TyreMaker.com | TyresMaker.com | TiresMaker.com | WheelsMaker.com | Widgets24.com | Shoppïng.com | Vïsta.com | Wïne.com
Possible Opportunity: This Outstanding Domain May be Open to Lease, Partnerships, Licensing, or Acquisition.

Approach for Assessing Value Exact Match Domains?

To determine the worth of a precise match .com domain, the following formula is utilized. For non-dot-com exact match domains, the current domain value is divided by at least 10.

Determining the worth of a precise match dot-com domain name hinges on two key factors: search frequency and timing. A 12-month search volume average is preferable to capture any seasonal trends, preventing overpayment for domains in industries with unpredictable or transient demand.
Next, consider the industry standard cost-per-click (CPC) of $2.69 for searches, as per a WordStream report. However, this figure can be significantly higher in certain sectors. For instance, the legal industry has an average CPC of $3.44. Each ad click by a searcher results in this charge, contributing to the high price tags of domains like CarInsurance.com ($49.7 million), PrivateJet.com ($30.18 million) and VacationRentals.com ($35 million).

Display Current Domain Value = Average Monthly Searches Worldwide x $ Cost Per Click (CPC) / Time Span in Years to Ascend to the Top Rank in Search Engines, Starting from the Present.

Advertising Benchmark 2023:
Automotive (Repair, Service & Parts) / Avg. Cost per Click ($3,06 CPC).
Example Formula "Wheels Makers" As of 2023 = 331.000.000 Monthly Searches x $3,06 CPC / 4 Years = $253.215.000

Update Search Advertising Benchmark 2024:
Automotive (Repair, Service & Parts) / Avg. Cost per Click ($3,39 CPC).
Example Formula "Wheels Makers" As of 2024 = Monthly Searches x $3,39 CPC / 4 Years = $1.067.850.000

Lastly, the time it takes to rank first in search engines is crucial, particularly in highly competitive niches like Wheels Makers, where it could take three to six years to achieve this. Regularly updating this figure in your formula helps you recognize the domain's growing value over time.

In essence, the assessment of an EMD hinges on the global search volume offered by Google Keyword Planner, while also considering the time required to elevate the domain to the top spot in search engine rankings.

With the help of this formula, you can gain a clearer perspective on the asking price. When you approach negotiations equipped with reliable methods for evaluating and interpreting value, you become a more knowledgeable participant, understanding what price you're prepared to pay and what doesn't add up.

A Guide to Obtaining Domains that Exactly Match Your Search

Most single, double, and triple-word generic or exact match domains were registered in the early 1990s and are now rarely available for hand-registration. They are as hard to find as a needle in a haystack. These domains often generate substantial revenue for their owners due to the high volume of direct web browser searches. However, longer keyword search phrases, such as four words or more, receive fewer searches, making it challenging to rank for a fraction of the traffic generated by shorter domains. Across various industries, people worldwide often type in domains like:

  • FrenchGuianaJobs.com
  • GuadeloupeJobs.com
  • HealthProfessionalLoan.com
  • HealthProfessionalLoans.com
  • HyundaiHybrid.com
  • HiTechPatch.com
  • HiTechPatches.com
  • IntestinalPatch.com
  • IntestinalPatches.com
  • IontophoreticPatch.com
  • IontophoreticPatches.com
  • Maladweep.com =  Maldives
  • SensorPlaster.com
  • SensorPlasters.com
  • TabletSearch.com
  • WheelsMakers.com

These examples demonstrate the potential advantages of owning or leasing generic or exact match domains, as users may directly type them into their browser, potentially leading to your business website.

In owning or leasing generic or exact match domains, businesses gain a significant advantage: these unique domains (.com) are one-of-a-kind. This exclusivity prevents competitors from utilizing the same domain, ensuring they miss out on the resulting ranking and traffic benefits. While competitors can add words to create alternative domains, these alternatives may be harder to remember and less effective. Consequently, businesses with exact match domains are likely to enjoy the most substantial ranking and traffic advantages.

The Case for Leasing a Domain: When Buying Isn't Feasible for Your Business

Imagine your business website gaining daily "free" type-in traffic instead of dealing with costly and other expensive paid promotions that often yield poor results. While purchasing a domain name is an option, you may find that owners are unwilling to sell their invested and valuable names. Moreover, generic or exact match domains can cost upwards of hundreds of thousands or even millions.
In such cases, leasing or lease-purchasing the domain is a strategic solution. This approach secures the domain for your business, preventing competitors from exploiting it and reaping its benefits. By leasing, you can establish a strong web presence and secure valuable traffic while planning and preparing for a future purchase.

Secure customer expansion and income through leasing top-tier domain names right now!

EMDs, or Exact Match Domains, have traditionally held significant influence in SEO due to search engines like Google heavily weighing an exact keyword match in the domain name. However, with algorithm updates, the emphasis has moved towards high-quality content, user experience, and overall site quality for lasting SEO triumph.

Here's the relevance of EMDs today:

  • Relevance Indicators: An EMD offers a strong indication to both search engines and users about the website's topic. This initial relevance advantage can be beneficial when coupled with top-notch content.
  • Click-through Rates (CTRs): Users encountering a domain that perfectly matches their search might be more inclined to click, assuming the site is reliable. Enhanced CTRs can have a positive indirect impact on your SEO.
  • Branding Opportunities: Although not always the main goal, some EMDs can be memorable and contribute to brand recognition in the long run.

As Mark Zuckerberg noted in a 2009 interview with Techcrunch - Who were your first investors. How did you pitch them?, "When we were first meeting with Peter, we didn’t have Facebook.com. We were TheFacebook. That’s a winner." He shared a laugh with the audience before emphasizing, " I’d get the right domain name. The moral is that we could get the domain." This raises a natural question: what would have happened if we hadn't secured the domain name?

What is the correlation between search volume and cpc in emd valuation?

Based on the provided search results, the correlation between search volume and CPC in EMD valuation can be summarized as follows:

  • Higher Search Volume: Typically corresponds to Higher CPC, indicating a more competitive market and increased demand for the keyword or phrase.
  • Lower Search Volume: Typically corresponds to Lower CPC, indicating a less competitive market and potentially lower demand for the keyword or phrase.
  • Estimating CPC: A common practice is to estimate CPC as 30-50% of the average CPC listed in keyword tools, such as Google Ads. This allows domainers to gauge the potential revenue from advertising on their EMD.

Insights from Search Results

  • In "What is a Good Keyword Search Volume?", CPC is mentioned as a factor in assessing competition, with higher CPC indicating greater competition.
  • "How do you balance the trade-off between SEM keyword volume and cost-per-click?" highlights the importance of balancing keyword volume and CPC in search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns.
  • "Search Volume and CPC Criteria of a Winning Keyword" discusses the importance of considering both search volume and CPC when selecting keywords for a niche site.
  • "Beginner’s Guide to Keyword Search Volume for Marketers" emphasizes the significance of understanding keyword search volume and CPC in maximizing traffic and exposure.

Key Takeaway

The correlation between search volume and CPC in EMD valuation is that higher search volumes typically correspond to higher CPCs, indicating a more competitive market and increased demand for the keyword or phrase. This relationship is essential for domainers to consider when evaluating the potential value of an EMD.

What are the average cpc trends for emds with varying search volumes over time?

Here are the average CPC trends for EMDs with varying search volumes over time:

  • High Search Volume: Industries with high search volumes, such as online education (average CPC: $9.95 in May 2023), tend to have higher CPCs due to increased competition and demand.
  • Low Search Volume: Conversely, industries with low search volumes, such as electronics (average CPC: 68 cents), have lower CPCs due to reduced competition and demand.
  • Legal Services: The legal industry has consistently high CPCs, with average CPCs over $6, indicating a highly competitive market.
  • Consumer Services: Consumer services also have relatively high CPCs, with an average CPC of $6.40, suggesting a competitive market.


  • As search volume increases, CPC tends to rise, indicating a more competitive market and higher demand.
  • Conversely, lower search volumes are associated with lower CPCs, reflecting reduced competition and demand.
  • Certain industries, such as legal services and consumer services, consistently exhibit higher CPCs due to their competitive nature.

Note that these trends are based on the provided search results and may not represent a comprehensive or exhaustive analysis of EMDs with varying search volumes over time.


Exact Match Domains can impact your SEO approach by possibly enhancing your site's relevance for specific queries and boosting click-through rates. Yet, their utility is most apparent when combined with top-notch content, positive user experience, and a wide-ranging SEO strategy. Just like any instrument, the secret to success with an EMD lies in knowing how to utilize it efficiently within the larger context of your online marketing activities.

Why are some exact match domain names expensive?

Certain domain names are costly because of several contributing aspects. First, popular domain names, characterized by brevity, simplicity, and relevance to businesses or sectors, are highly desirable and escalate in price due to demand. Second, registries establish foundational (wholesale) prices for domain names, which registrars subsequently increase, passing on associated costs like cybersecurity, infrastructure, and staff. Promotions and discounts can influence prices, as registries may provide reduced rates for bulk purchases or incentives. A secondary market exists where resellers trade domain names, potentially raising costs. Furthermore, domain names linked to recognized brands or industries can warrant higher prices owing to their perceived value and growth potential. Notably, premium domain names, such as brief, memorable, and easily spelled ones, or those tied to popular extensions, can cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Additionally, newly released top-level domains or country-code TLDs may have higher prices attributed to their novelty and limited availability. In summary, domain name prices are shaped by a multitude of factors, including demand, wholesale prices, operational fees, promotions, and the secondary market, ultimately reflecting the inherent value of specific domain names.
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