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HTTP Status Messages

HTML Error Messages

Upon a browser's request for a service from a web server, a problem might occur, leading the server to return an HTTP status code such as "404 Not Found". These are not typically referred to as HTML error messages, but rather HTTP status messages. Every request prompts a server response, with "200 OK" being the most common.

Here follows a collection of potential HTTP status codes that a server might send back:
1xx: Information
100 Continue
Once the server has accepted the request headers, the client is authorized to transmit the request body.
101 Switching Protocols
The user has requested that the server change communication protocols.
103 Early Hints
The Link header utilizes the browser's ability to initiate resource preloading, even as the server is still preparing the response.

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2xx: Successful
200 OK
The petition is successful, as indicated by the standard response for successful HTTP requests
201 Created
The request has been successfully addressed, resulting in the creation of a new resource.
202 Accepted
The request has been received for processing, but its completion is still pending.
203 Non-Authoritative Information
The request was processed successfully, but it's providing results that might originate from a different source.
204 No Content
The request was processed without issues, but it's not providing any content in return.
205 Reset Content
The request was successfully handled, but it's not providing any content and necessitates the requester to reinitialize the document view.
206 Partial Content
The server is providing just a section of the resource because of a range request initiated by the client.
3xx: Redirection
300 Multiple Choices
This is a list of links, allowing users to click and access different destinations. A maximum of five URLs can be included.
301 Moved Permanently
The desired webpage has been relocated to a new web address.
302 Found
The specific webpage has been temporarily shifted to a different URL.
303 See Other
The particular webpage is located under an alternate URL.
304 Not Modified
Shows that the desired page hasn't been updated since the last access
307 Temporary Redirect
The sought-after page has been temporarily relocated to a different URL
308 Permanent Redirect
The desired page has been permanently transferred to a new URL
4xx: Client Error
400 Bad Request
The petition cannot be granted because of incorrect syntax.
401 Unauthorized
This is a description of a legal request that the server is not processing, as the necessary authentication process has either failed or not taken place.
402 Payment Required
Set aside for potential later applicatio
403 Forbidden
The petition was legitimate, yet the server is declining to process the request
404 Not Found
Regrettably, the page you're looking for is currently unavailable, but there's a possibility it may return at a later time.
405 Method Not Allowed
The page was unable to process your request due to an unsupported request method.
406 Not Acceptable
The server has produced a suitable response, but it's not being accepted by your client.
407 Proxy Authentication Required
The initial step requires the client to verify its identity with the proxy.
408 Request Timeout
The server stopped waiting for the request as it exceeded the allowed time.
409 Conflict
The processing of your request was unsuccessful due to a discrepancy encountered in the request.
410 Gone
The page you're trying to access is currently unavailable.
411 Length Required
The length of the content hasn't been specified, which means the request cannot be processed by the server
412 Precondition Failed
The server found the stated condition in the request to be untrue
413 Request Too Large
The server has rejected the request since the provided entity is excessively large
414 Request-URI Too Long
The server refuses the request as the URL is excessively lengthy, which typically happens when a POST request with extensive query data is changed to a GET request.
415 Unsupported Media Type
The server refuses the request as it doesn't support the specified media format
416 Range Not Satisfiable
The client requested a specific part of the file, but the server is unable to provide it
417 Expectation Failed
The server fails to meet the conditions set by the Expect header in the request
5xx: Server Error
500 Internal Server Error
A standard error message, presented when a more particular one isn't applicable
501 Not Implemented
The server either doesn't understand the request method or it's incapable of meeting the request
502 Bad Gateway
The server, functioning as a gateway or proxy, received an improper response from the preceding server
503 Service Unavailable
The server is currently unavailable (overloaded or down)
504 Gateway Timeout
The server, functioning as an entrance or intermediary, failed to obtain a prompt response from the subsequent server in a timely manner.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported
The server does not accommodate the HTTP protocol version utilized in the request.
511 Network Authentication Required
It's necessary for the client to prove identity to secure network access.
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