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Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising guide

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising refers to a type of online advertising where advertisers remunerate every instance a user clicks on their ad, instead of paying for mere ad displays or impressions.

Types of PPC Ads

There are various kinds of PPC ads, such as:

  • Text Ads: These are created using text provided by the advertiser. The format and character limitations vary based on the specific PPC platform.
  • Product Listing Ads: These ads typically appear after a user conducts a search via a search or shopping engine. They can also show up in display format on websites, in email inboxes, or during online videos.
  • Image Ads: These are usually presented as images or motion graphics. Advertisers need to adhere to the size and content requirements set by the PPC platforms that offer display advertising.
  • Video Ads: These are videos that play before, after, or even during another online video on platforms like YouTube or on apps, including on Smart TVs.

PPC Advertising Advantages:

  • Precision: Reach the ideal users with tailored messages according to their intent.
  • Agility: Experiment with multiple elements in a single ad unit and promptly modify budgets.
  • Measurement: Observe tangible outcomes, such as revenue from ads, rapidly.
  • Cost: PPC advertising can be a budget-friendly method to engage your target audience.

PPC Advertising Difficulties:

Although PPC offers notable benefits, it also presents certain challenges for advertisers to consider:

  • Financial Aspect: PPC advertising can prove to be costlier compared to alternative marketing strategies.
  • Inefficiency: Unintentionally targeting unwanted user groups with ads can lead to wasted resources.
  • Search Volume: The success of your advertising hinges on the search behavior of users.

Renowned PPC Platforms:

Numerous platforms provide text, display, and shopping PPC ad placement, but some are standouts.

  • Google Ads: Google's primary PPC advertising platform, it dominates the search engine market in most of the world.
  • Microsoft Advertising: Microsoft's PPC platform, enabling ads on its Search Network (Bing.com) and partner sites, plus native display ads on Microsoft-owned properties.
  • Amazon Advertising: Amazon's platform for advertisers to create display and shopping campaigns for product promotion on their shopping network.
  • Social Media Platforms: These include Meta Ads (Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Threads, and WhatsApp), LinkedIn Ads (specialized in business-to-business PPC), and TikTok For Business (offering various video ad formats).


PPC advertising proves to be an effective method for reaching a specific audience segment. Advertisers have the ability to customize various factors to tailor their ads, including keywords, location, time, device, demographics, and others. This enables advertisers to deliver their message in the appropriate format to the ideal audience at the optimal time.

Please see:
Video Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
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